Traffic Wars

Traffic Wars Logo

Function: Gamedesigner
Software: 3Ds Max, Photoshop

During my college days I was in a game development project where our group worked on Traffic Wars. The goal of the project was to create a game that made people aware of the dangers in traffic. Although the project was never finished it got a lot of praise by fellow students and the teachers for its originality. I was mainly responsible for the game concept and the gameplay with its mechanics.


There is great unrest in hell. In the human world the lads are making so much noise with their hardcore music that it’s sounds are heard all the way in Hell and it’s keeping the Devil awake. To stop this infernal sound the Devil wants kill the lads. But god does not agree with this and has to do everything he can to keep them alive. And so, a new battle is waged between Heaven and Hell. The battlefield? The traffic in the human world.


For an easy explanation of the game take Lemmings, combine it with Grand Theft Auto2 and then transform it into a 2player game and you have Traffic wars.
One player will be playing God and has to get the lads safely from point A to B. The other player is the Devil that needs to kill as many lads before they reach the finish line. So the players really need to work against each other and thwart each other’s plan. Each player has a wide variety of abilities that will influence the lads or the traffic.

Here is one example of what is possible:
God can create a pedestrian crossing so the cars will stop for the lads who are trying to cross over. In reaction the Devil can put garbage on top of the pedestrian crossing to nullify it’s affect, after all the cars can’t see the pedestrian crossing any longer. If god is desperate he can pay a lot of resources to light up the pedestrian crossing so it’s once more visible and the lads will cross over safely. If there is enough time, the alternative option for god is to change the route the lads are taking through the city.

A resource system is required to prevent players from spamming their abilities and using the same one every time. Each time you play a game it will have different results because each player can change the choices they made from the previous game. The game requires quick reaction, planning and insight.

